Discipleship in the Diocese 2019

In 2019, our Diocese of Guildford will be focusing on the first goal in its Transforming Church, Transforming Lives mission programme. If you want to remind yourself of the details and the line-up of other goals, here’s a helpful link to the document as pdf file: https://www.cofeguildford.org.uk/docs/default-source/transforming-church-transforming-lives-resources/transforming-church-transforming-lives---brochure.pdf?sfvrsn=0)
“Discipleship is not so much an activity as a state of being: a watchful, attentive openness to God in every moment.” (Rowan Williams, Being Disciples) At the same time, being disciples and making disciples are inextricably linked. In 2015, CMS brought together a team of practitioners and practical theologians and set up the Beautiful Witness project with the aim of capturing stories from those involved in ministries through which people became disciples of Christ.
Worth a look at the 10 videos https://churchmissionsociety.org/resources/video-beautiful-witness-1-5?mc_cid=8c024b0dab&mc_eid=7c3deb2aea
Watch out for resources and courses to come – see 28 January in diary below (course on “Setting God’s People Free” programme and resources).