Meet Our Deanery Climate Champion
Clem Jones of St John’s Church, Egham was happily welcomed at our March Synod meeting to fill the position of Deanery Climate Champion. Clem is incredibly passionate about environmental stewardship and especially active around the Church of England’s “Net Zero by 2030” challenge to which pledged both Diocesan Synod (in November 2020) and Runnymede Deanery
Synod (in March 2021). You can find a summary of his introductory presentation in the article below, including a link to the presentation file as pdf.

Clem has promised us a little pen profile for the next issue of Deanery News, so we can get to know him a bit better and see what else he likes doing apart from helping to save God’s wonderful Creation.
“Net Zero by 2030” – The CofE Climate Challenge
Clem Jones, our nominated Deanery Climate Champion, gave a passionate and challenging talk at the last Deanery Synod meeting in March, to explain the ins and outs of the Church of England’s Climate Challenge, adopted by General Synod last year. Below are the highlights and you can find the PowerPoint presentation here.
• General Synod in its last session adopted a commitment to net zero carbon emissions by 2030 for the Church of England. Guildford Diocesan Synod followed suit in November.
• All levels of Church (dioceses, deaneries, parishes) are invited to share in this commitment with a year on year reduction leading to net zero by 2030.
• A Diocesan Environment Group has been established with the remit to advocate, educate, resource and track progress.
• Background: The unprecedented rise in CO2 requires urgent remedial action in all areas of life to avert a climate catastrophe. This concerns Church because environmental stewardship is one of the Five Marks of Mission and Church should be seen leading efforts to safeguard God’s Creation.
• Local churches are already doing good things for the environment via EcoChurch membership and other initiatives but in view of the enormity of the global problem more coordination is needed.
• Net Zero is achieved by reducing carbon emissions, increasing carbon capture and paying offset fees for any shortfalls. Offset payments are used to fund climate action on a wider level.
• How to meet a Net Zero target within nine years on deanery and parish level: The Diocesan Environment Group was tasked with developing a plan; meanwhile parishes should do what they can. The CofE Energy Footprint Tool (EFT) on the Parish Returns System will enable each parish to see where they stand via input of utility and shopping bills.
• When action is needed: There are probably three more years to plan, research and calculate, along with small behavioural changes but from 2024 everybody needs to start “thinking big” – heat supply, radiators, insulation…e.g. ground heat pumps instead of gas boilers. It’s important to take stock and think ahead to use upcoming fabric repairs for net zero friendly upgrades.
• Involvement on deanery level: Parishes can report back to the deanery for accountability and the sharing of ideas and resources.
Join Our Climate Challenge Network
Clem is now leading our newly established Deanery Climate Challenge Network to which we are inviting representatives and environmental stewardship enthusiasts from our parishes and chaplaincies. If your heart beats for God’s amazing Creation and you would like to team up with us, contact Clem at
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Safe Walking and Cycling Routes for Runnymede
The Green Travel Action Group exists to help develop a cycling and walking infrastructure plan (LCWIP) in Runnymede Borough to enable safe commuting for all ages and abilities. The LCWIP will be considering the Runnymede boundaries Rights of Way Heathrow Corridor / River Thames Scheme, enabling safe journeys to public transport stations as well as to intuitive areas (cross boundary) like Elmbridge, Spelthorne, Windsor and Weybridge. This is a 6 month process that started in March 2021.
If you are able to provide constructive ideas and feedback please get involved and join their Facebook Group (moderated by Cllr Robert Ashley). (For non-Facebook people, you can contact Rima at St John’s Church, Egham – via
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to lodge any ideas/feedback.)