Homelessness, Hospitality, Hope

An update on the east-to-west homeless teenagers’ programme:

“Being the newest recruit I thought it would be good to give a quick summary of the project that I am running.

The east-to-west Supported Lodgings Project is now underway and I am busy looking to recruit ‘hosts’ who are willing to open up their homes to take in a homeless 16 or 17 year old for up to 1 year. I am really passionate about this project and the opportunity it gives us as Christians to serve in our local community and support local young people who find themselves homeless and vulnerable – what a privilege to be able to bring hope to these young lives.“

Catherine Burns, Supported Lodgings Manager

Click on this link East to West - Supported Lodgings to watch a DVD, which explains more about the project.

If you would like to know how you can become a host then please do contact me on 07825-288851, and your prayers are very much appreciated – thank you.