News has arrived from Kebbi with the following excerpt of an email from Archbishop Edmund on their current school project to which Runnymede Deanery, and various of our churches independently, contributed. ++Edmund also mentions current endeavours to further educational opportunities for the local children and at the same time foster interfaith relations, with an appeal for additional help if possible, upon which Synod voted to donate lumpsum the remaining “Kebbi Funds” amounting to £1790.
“These are the pictures from Covenant Nursery and Primary School Kamba [row 3] and St Paul’s Nursery and Primary Schools Argungu [rows 1+2]. The school at Kamba was what we used the support from the 2013 Lenten collections to build, while the Primary School in Argungu was built by the donation from St Paul’s Addlestone.
We now have a very critical need from the same St Paul’s, where we are under pressure from the parents to start for them a Secondary School. As you can see we have started putting up some classes but we need more facilities like laboratory, library and more classrooms before they can be approved to take off. If this can be supported, we shall very much appreciate it.
Also attached are the two schools of Ribah [bottom right] and Dorowa [bottom left] which are our rural schools. The donations from your church in Egham and All Saints New Haw assisted us in getting these schools to roofing stage. If we can roof them and start classes by September 2017, the villagers will be very happy about it.
... [The schools] have become a bridge building tool between the Christians and the Muslim communities, as Muslim pupils are up to 40% of the population of some of our schools. This is besides those employed as teachers. ++Edmund”