Coronavirus - Hold the Situation in Prayer

Here is an encouraging article from – the link takes you to the full article; some prayer points (shortened excerpt from the article) can be found below.

•    Pray that God would calm anxieties. As His people we can have a different identity: boldness, not fear. Pray for the Church to be a calming presence; a radiant light in the confusion and darkness.
•    Pray that we would be people of compassion reaching out into our neighbourhoods. Pray for our Faith Family in places where following Jesus means lack of community healthcare and medicines, or social boycott.
•    Pray for world leaders, healthcare organizations and the medical community developing next steps; that all may be united for the common good.
•    Pray with researchers and biologists as they work on a coronavirus vaccine; for wisdom and insight in the development and implementation.
•    Pray with all first-responders tasked with triaging, testing and treating increasing numbers of people; for their patience, wisdom and a gentle spirit around people’s fears, and for effective treatment as hospitals are seeing unprecedented numbers of patients with flu symptoms.
•    Pray with church leaders as they offer insight and wisdom to their congregations and communities…to be voices of reason, clarity and grace.
•    Pray with families of people who have died and for those undergoing treatment; for comfort to the broken-hearted and strength to those suffering physically and emotionally.
•    Pray for those whose jobs or hours have been cut due to economic downturn; parents struggling to work and care for their children; for churches to reach out and provide for families in their communities, showing them the love of Christ.
•    Pray that God’s people would be unified as one Church, and that we would look to the lives and faith of our persecuted brothers and sisters as we navigate fear and the unknown; that we would look to them for guidance and for hope.
•    Pray that we as God’s people keep our hope in Christ and the truth that our Saviour who died and rose for us has already overcome the world; that we read His Word and take both His call and His promises to head and heart.

Here is a link for the sign-up to a worldwide virtual Coronavirus Prayer Room; includes a link to a 60-minute prayer resource.

Assorted Coronavirus Prayers:

Also, here is a link to the Coronavirus Guidance and resources from Guildford Diocese: