east to west Thoughts for the Month & Prayer Requests

So, lock-down is being slowly eased. Garden centres have re-opened and police are having to put traffic calming measures in place so people can go to the McDonald’s drive-thru! Exercising has extended beyond an hour and coastal towns are being inundated with people looking to visit the seaside. One report I read from North Devon likened the traffic on a Wednesday in May to the height of summer in August! It seems that for some, the change of government slogan from ‘stay home’ to ‘stay alert’ has been translated as, ‘as long as I’m ok, I can do what I like’!

Can I encourage us all to swim against this tide and continue to think ‘how does what I’m doing impact others?’

We continue to pray that you stay safe and don’t forget, if there are things you’d like prayer for, you can email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

by Dan Beedell, Head of Income and Communication , east to west


And as always, east to west would appreciate our prayers as well.
Their specific requests for July are for:
•    Wisdom for Heads of Schools and SLT with all the complicated decisions and problems to navigate to keep schools safe for pupils and staff and pioneer an excellent “new normal”.

•    Young people as they return to school. With so many complex changes, it is important that they receive good support to cope with their mental health following the lockdown, managing social distancing, catching up on work and maintaining mixed timetables in school and out as well as the enormous pressure of GCSEs for those in Year 10.
•    Teaching Staff who will be under enormous stress trying to teach lessons in school for those returning and online for the rest. It is particularly difficult for staff with little ones under foot. Pray that for us all, we’d manage the new normal rhythm of in-school with online.
•    All new Year 7 pupils who will be preparing to transition in very difficult circumstances.
•    east to west to be able to arrange regular sessions with students and not just odd calls outside of school hours and to be fully integrated into the new normal as schools go forward.
•    Dan himself and a small team who will be having 5-minute conversations with returning year 10 pupils in schools working with east to west, making a mental health assessment for each. This will help them judge the needs of each returning student.
•    Dan to continue to improve his tech skills which he thinks are his “weakest suit”.
•    Dan to better understand how he can support his school link Lisa who is very, very busy.
•    Dan to be able to keep up the rhythms of rest and spending time with God as everybody moves forward to being busier.