How Clergy (and the parish) Thrive at New Haw
Here at All Saints, New Haw, during the summer we started some keep fit classes for the young and the ‘not so young’, the fit and the ‘not so fit’. We have also begun to build some web pages with info on healthy living, tasty low carb and healthy recipes and also menu planning ideas. Additionally we’ve added our weekly exercises from the classes for people to follow at home.

The evening classes are HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) and the daytime classes are called LIFT (Low Impact Functional Training). We have a fully qualified fitness instructor who specialises in training for seniors and those with limited mobility and so she can run classes for just about every level of fitness. The exercises we use are

adaptable for most levels from beginner to experienced and the classes although they can be hard work, are always rewarding. It’s really hard not to feel better after some good exercise.
Why are we doing this? In a nutshell we want to help people in our church and our wider parish give some attention to their health and wellbeing. We don’t know numbers for our parish but we do know that there will be a high percentage of people who: don’t eat a healthy balanced diet; are maybe not as fit or flexible as they would like or should be; and most importantly of all, there will be an enormous amount of people in our parish who suffer with various mental health issues, including anxiety, depression or loneliness.


Good diet, regular exercise and the company of others are three easy ways to help with your fitness, wellbeing and mental health. The aim for these classes is that we can attract a whole new group of people from our parish to our church buildings and to meet with them on a regular basis. I am a great believer in ‘relational evangelism’ and that if we give people an opportunity to come into a Christian, encouraging, loving, healthy environment, we give people an opportunity to meet with Jesus…and at the same time help them with their fitness and wellbeing.

Please pray for us as we continue to grow this ministry and please do check out our ever-evolving web pages here.
Rev Phil Barlow, Curate, All Saints New Haw



Gospel Thriving in Egham


PHOTO CREDITS: St John’s Church, Egham


Clergy thrive…when God's people, empowered by the Spirit use their gifts. The photo is a showcase of our Gospel Partnership for our Re-gathering Service on 5th September 2021.
Esther Prior, Vicar, St John Egham


Thriving News from Englefield Green
One of the wonderful things about Parish life for me is our involvement with our local church schools.
St Jude's Church of England Infant School opened its doors to children for the first time on 1st September. Englefield Green Infants School, and Christchurch CofE Infants School, which have so wonderfully served our communities over the years, were formally closed at the end of August to enable the new school to come into being.

This is an exciting new venture, inheriting as it does all that is best both from Christchurch Infants School and from EGIS. We had a lovely afternoon on 2nd September celebrating this significant Birth Day. We met in the school field, the children sitting on a huge tarpaulin - beautifully smart in their new uniforms - and parents, teachers and governors gathered around.

Alex Tear, Director of Education at the Diocese of Guildford talked about this joyful day of new beginnings and warmly thanked all those who had made this new start possible. He reminded us that we are now one of 83 church schools in the Diocese - a family of more than 22,000 children. Both he and Bishop Jo spoke of the shared heritage of Christchurch CofE Infants and Englefield Green Infants School.

Bishop Jo prayed that the new school would be blessed by God - and talked about the nature of that blessing in the form of an acronym: a new BEGINNING, LIFE in all its fullness, the anticipation of shared EXPLORATION, the SURPRISE and SPARKLE that awaits us; the ECUMENICAL nature of this new adventure together and the wonderful DIVERSITY represented amongst us.

The Mayor of Runnymede, Councillor Elaine Gill was also with us and pledged her support for the new school - and said she hoped to share many other happy occasions with St Jude’s Infant School in the future. Juan Pemberton spoke on behalf of the Governing Body - and the children revealed a pretty good understanding of what a Governor should be doing!! We are indebted to the governing bodies of both Christchurch and EGIS for all their patient and dedicated work.

Michelle McNamee, Head Teacher, added her thanks and joyful anticipation of the future. She had arranged the unveiling of three framed pictures which will hang in the new school reminding us of both
the schools which are the foundation for this new opportunity - and of the new school they have now become. But the highlight of the afternoon was definitely the song from the children which celebrated the coming together of us all in this wonderful new adventure. We are indebted to everyone who has worked so hard to create such a special event.

As Vicar of St Jude’s I am an ex-officio Governor at the new school. Jeremy Brown, who has served as co-chair of Christchurch Infants School now becomes an ex-officio Governor on the new Governing body also in his capacity as Family and Children’s Pastor at Christchurch. We are also delighted that Orion Edgar, Anglican Chaplain to RHUL, is the school’s Foundation Governor appointed by the Diocesan Board of Education. Between the three of us we shall be contributing regularly to the school’s programme of Collective Worship.  

Please pray for us all going forward. Thank you!
Please find the link to the “Get Surrey” report on the opening ceremony here.
Judith Allford Vicar, St Jude Englefield Green


Thriving at the Fair in Thorpe
How do the clergy thrive when they have so much to do! We have recently held a Summer Festival over the three-day August Bank Holiday weekend. Our Vicar Fr Damian organised the posters and online publicity, put up the bunting, secured all the outside sound and organised electricians to improve things for us. He re-created a set of massive posters for publicity, let the social committee bombard his office space and agreed to M/C the three-day event at
St Mary's Church, Thorpe which he did with good humour. He set about making sure the event would connect people up, preparing a special quarterly news leaflet and an updated "welcome" leaflet to encourage new faces and promoted the Archbishop's visit, too. Wow! He prepared the risk assessment with us - ensuring stalls were safely outside - thankfully the weather held. He was also very much available each day of the weekend, mixing among visitors, starting conversations, looking for pastoral opportunities and available for prayer in the church (lots of people lit candles) and even arranged a baptism and two potential weddings. The three-day event was to welcome the people of Thorpe Village and the wider parish and say "we are open", "you are all welcome" and "come and have some fun". There was plenty of it - plus food, refreshments, music by Alan Bostock, Zachary Thornton Hayes and wonderfully, the Egham Band. Our own parishioner and Mayor of Runnymede, Elaine Gill opened the event for us - which Fr Damian marshalled, as well as drawing the raffles etc. A busy, busy weekend! We are hoping that many who came to the Festival will have seen the posters, flyers and banners advertising our Autumn Emmaus Course (starting weekly on a Tuesday, 7:30pm from 7th September) and will come along. Perhaps any of you reading this will be curious and join us… [See Events Diary for details. – Ed.]
Susi Thornton, Social & Fundraising Team, St Mary Thorpe

PHOTO CREDITS: Susi Thornton