Here is the latest missive from our contact, the Archdeacon of Kebbi Cathedral:
“Calvary greetings to you all in the name of Jesus.
In spite of the religious, political and economic challenges in our country, the Lord has been faithful in enabling us to carry out the church mission mandate.
Mission Work: By the grace of God, the missional work of evangelism and discipleship is increasingly going on in the diocese and we give glory to God for the tremendous harvest of souls we had within these twelve months, especially among the indigenous people that are getting converted from traditional worship to embrace the gospel of Christ.
As a result of this, we are embarking on erecting some structures in different locations as worship centres for these teeming converts locally. We are, however, trusting God for support for roofing as it is becoming very difficult to stay in these structures during rain.
The Church expansion has brought some changes in the administrative structure of the diocese presently. Four Archdeaconries were inaugurated and the Archdeacons installed. Three of these Archdeaconries are within the indigenous members while the other one is in the state headquarters.
Schools: We appreciate God for his enablement. St Paul's School Argungu has commenced its secondary school. The first set of students resumed this September (see the attached pictures). We are trusting God to raise the standard of other schools (Yauri, Kamba and others in the hinterlands) to secondary level by next session as the Lord provides the enablement.
Prayer: We do appreciate your remembrance of us in your prayers. We do solicit for more, especially at this period in our country as many of our members from the south eastern part of the country are relocating because of the political unrest as well as religious cum Islamic insurgency.
We do covet your prayers for the diocese; we shall be having our synod in the first weekend of November.
Finally we do sincerely, on behalf of the diocese, appreciate the entire deanery of Runnymede for your love, support and prayers always. May God continue to bless you in the name of Jesus.” - Archdeacon Victor Oluwatosin