“Revive’n’Thrive” is an independent organisation, based at Mytchett Baptist Church in Surrey, dedicated to collecting, restoring and supplying tools, educational materials and other necessities, primarily for use by people overseas who need them to learn or practice a trade or craft skill but lack the tools to make this possible. More information is available from their website.
St Jude’s “Knitters for the Needy” regularly supply their work to “Revive’n’Thrive” including a recent delivery of 15 blankets (one of which can be seen in the photo), 68 jumpers, 13 teddies, 32 hats and 14 teddy hand puppets. Since their initiation in 2006 they have provided the charity with the remarkable total of 1,014 blankets, 3,173 jumpers, 2,079 teddies, 2.845 hats and 115 teddy hand puppets! What an achievement!
Non-knitters have generously added stationery supplies and toiletries which are greatly appreciated in schools, orphanages and hospitals, and helped by donating cash for the on-going supply of wool for the knitters and by making tea and welcoming visitors to St Jude’s during the Saturday knitting sessions.
The knitting group is open to all – you can join them on Saturdays, 2 – 4pm, at St Jude’s Englefield Green. More information is available from Di (Tel 01784 473404).
Photo Credits: Diane Fone